Ben Wolfe – The Understated (ENG review)

Ben Wolfe - The Understated
It is a form of complex and harmonious jazz that might be difficult to access for some, as one must admit that a good overall knowledge of jazz is necessary to appreciate this album.

Wolfgang Haffner – Life Rythm (ENG review)

Wolfgang Haffner – Life Rythm
This album truly showcases the immense talent of this artist, as, like always, Wolfgang Haffner’s compositions are genuine treasures of inventiveness and rich melodies.

Bria Skonberg – What It Means (ENG review)

Bria Skonberg – What It Means (ENG review)
Bria Skonberg is one of those artists who have things to say and an extraordinary personality. She is an excellent composer, a talented trumpeter, and a remarkable singer. This album is certainly her best calling card.

Shelly Berg – Alegria (ENG review)

Shelly Berg – Alegria
The main flaw of this album is its scattered nature. Musically, this album is of high quality, but it is hard to grasp the overall musical proposition.

Simply Miles Davis (ENG review)

Simply Miles Davis (ENG review)
Yes, for a compilation, it is a beautiful success that is hard to resist, and the technical work of digitization has been particularly meticulous. It is one of the rare times a compilation will earn our “essentials” selection.

Russ Brannon – Sojourn (ENG review)

Russ Brannon – Sojourn
The music is filled with joy, some pieces designed for wide open spaces. Without a doubt, Russ Brannon is a great composer who leaves nothing to chance.

Doug Wilde – The Sixth Dimension (ENG review)

Doug Wilde – The Sixth Dimension
Entering the universe of this album may not be easy for everyone, but in the end, those who appreciate it will surely agree with us in validating it as one of our “Essentials,” thus bringing it the recognition it deserves.