MOLYBARON propose des billets pour le Festival MetalDays 2019 à prix très préférentiel. En effet, le légendaire festival slovène donne la possibilité aux groupes labellisés “New Forces” tels que MOLYBARON de vendre des billets collectors en version “hard ticket” pour la semaine complète du festival au prix de 175 euros l’unité, camping inclus, sans commission ni frais bancaires additionnels. Un bonus de 20 euros pour votre poche!
Site web du Festival MetalDays 2019: ICI
Page Facebook du Festival: ICI
De plus, MOLYBARON vous propose un package exclusif incluant un CD Digipak dédicacé (!!) et bien entendu il ne vous facture pas les frais d’envoi. De quoi largement économiser quelques bonnes bières fraîches à déguster pendant le festival…!!!
Prix unique de 175 euros et c’est à commander directement, ICI
MOLYBARON are offering tickets for Metal Days Festival 2019 for a very special price!
The legendary Slovenian festival gives groups labelled “New Forces” such as MOLYBARON, the opportunity to sell hard tickets, for the entire week festival at the price of 175 euros per unit, including camping, without commission or additional bank charges. Aprox. 20 euros savings.
In addition, MOLYBARON offers you a signed CD Digipak and will not charge you the shipping costs. This is enough to buy you a few cold beers to enjoy during the festival.
To order your special pack, it’s HERE
MetalDays 2019 Festival – website: HERE
Official Facbook page: HERE
News of the 2019 Festival are proposed on line HERE
Line up and running order at the 2019 festival: HERE on their website
Tickets are proposed online HERE
Festival info can be found HERE
Rent-a-tent for the Festival: rent it HERE
Early arrival : 19.7.-20.7.2019
Regular festival dates : 21.-27.7.2019
Lemmy stage & Bosko Bursac stage program : 22.-26.7.2019
New Forces stage program : 20.-26.7.2019
There is a possibility to withdraw money from an ATM machine, that will be placed on the festival area, near the festival Info point.
Together with the bank, that will be providing the ATM machine, we will do our best to work closely together in order to ensure, the ATM will always have enough cash to supply it to our visitors.
The main box office (Main festival entrance), located near shop Hofer, is open from:
Friday, 19.7.2019 till Monday, 22.7.2019 from 08.00 to 23.59 (24/7)
Tuesday, 23.7.2019 till Friday, 26.7.2019, from 10.00 to 22.00
The side box office (Side festival entrance), located near cemetery, is open from:
Friday, 20.7.2018 till Monday, 23.7.2018, from 08.00 to 22.00
Tuesday, 24.7.2018 till Friday, 27.7.2018, from 10.00 to 22.00
• Camp opens on Friday, 19.7.2019 at 08:00 (Fri – Sat with Early arrival ticket only!)
• Camp closes on Saturday, 27.7.2019 at 15:00
Camping is available to festival guests free of charge from Sunday, 21.7.2019 but is a subject to possession of a valid festival-ticket!
Camping & parking areas are divided in 2 different sections:
1. parking & camping areas
2. camping only
At the festival camping we are having “silent hours” from 03.00 to 08.00, when the campsite area has to be quiet and without any music. Please keep your voices down and mind your friends and neighbours, who are trying to get some rest. Obeying this very strict rule of “silent hours” as written above is mandatory; so we have to remind you that anyone who will try to disobey this very strict rule, will be removed from a festival area with revoked access, without any further explanation.
Included in the ticket price, but possible only until the next morning after the validity of the ticket until 11:00. Camping area has to be cleared until 11:00!
We are offering you the advanced group camping booking for minimum 20 persons per group. Application form will be available soon.
Please note, we will keep your group campground reserved only until Saturday, 20.7.2019, till 18:00. After that time it will be open to all guests.
Deadline for applications for Group camping is 1.6.2019!
Camping is at one’s own risk, festival promoter accepts no responsibility in any case!