SATYRICON & SUICIDAL ANGELS: date unique le 7 mars!

SATYRICON & SUICIDAL ANGELS seront en concert, pour une date unique, le 7 mars, à Paris, à La Machine du Moulin Rouge…!!!

► date unique en France ◄

Page Facebook du concert: ICI
Billetterie: ICI
Tarif unique: 29,70 euros
La Machine du Moulin Rouge – 90 Boulevard de Clichy, 75018 Paris
Un concert proposé par Garmonbozia Inc.
Tous les concerts proposés par Garmonbozia: ICI

Garmonbozia est une association rennaise fondée en 1998, après une première expérience sous le nom de Heic Noenum Pax. Les activités de l’association consistent en :
➡ production de concerts, principalement à Paris, Rennes et Nantes
➡ organisation/supervision de tournées
➡ booking
Booking & infos:

Site web officiel de SATYRICON (black): ICI

Satyricon on Spotify: ICI
On line Shop: ICI
Page Facebook officielle: ICI
Satyricon sur YouTube: ICI

“Formed in Oslo in 1991, Satyricon made an immediate and enduring impact when they emerged from the flourishing Norwegian black metal scene. An idiosyncratic and fervently non-conformist creative force from the start, chief songwriter and vocalist Satyr and his percussive right-hand-man Frost made perpetual evolution and a noble disdain for the banality of much modern music essential tenets of their artistic approach. Having refined and redefined the second wave of black metal with early albums like Dark Medieval Times and The Shadowthrone, Satyricon screeched away from their peers in 1996 with the release of the widely acclaimed Nemesis Divina, simply one of /the/ classic ‘90s black metal albums and a mercurial blueprint for much of what would follow as the genre progressed into a new millennium.

From 1999’s vicious, industrial-tinged Rebel Extravaganza onwards, it was obvious that Satyr and Frost had no interest in toeing the black metal party line. Instead, via noisily acclaimed triumphs like 2006’s stripped down and seething Now, Diabolical and its pitch-black follow-up The Age Of Nero in 2008, Satyricon were proudly forging their own unique path, on a never-ending quest to express the inexpressible and to tap into the dark spiritual depths of 21st century humanity.

By the time the band released their self-titled album in 2013, their reputation as one of modern metal’s most vital, important and forward-thinking bands was way beyond dispute and routinely backed up by their unerring prowess and power as a live band.

2017 saw the release of their latest and greatest musical achievement, Deep calleth upon Deep.”

Site web officiel de SUICIDAL ANGELS (thrash): ICI

Page Facebook officielle: ICI
Extrait de leur Biographie:
“Suicidal Angels were formed in early 2001, a time when founder Nick Melissourgos was only 16 years old. The musical steps the band was meant to follow were leading to the realm of old school thrash metal, Nick’s major musical influence. That’s pretty much obvious in the band’s first demo, “United by Hate” (July 2001), which is nowadays extremely difficult to find.

Back then Suicidal Angels were more of a school band having a good time. After some early line-up changes though, Nick meets Orfeas Tzortzopoulos (drums), and a unique musical chemistry is born. The band records its second demo, “Angels’ Sacrifice” (December 2003) and things gradually become more serious. Based on this demo, the band starts promoting itself and the first concerts are scheduled.

During April 2004 Suicidal Angels record a new demo called “The Calm before the Storm”, which receives good reviews in metal magazines and fanzines throughout Europe. In September 2004, the band releases an EP called “Bloodthirsty Humanity”, which receives even better reviews compared to the previous demos. Meanwhile, the group tries to perform live whenever possible.”
Biographie complète ICI