John De Leo – Tomato Peloso

Tuk Music – Street date : February 21
John De Leo – Tomato Peloso

Here is one of the most beautiful and extraordinary albums emerging from Italy. As always, when I encounter an artist I am unfamiliar with, I prefer to know nothing about them beforehand, to avoid any preconceived notions. Thus, it was only while listening to this album that I began to research the intriguing figure behind the art that resonated so deeply with me.

Unsurprisingly, upon reading his biography, I discovered he has collaborated with some remarkable talents, including our friend, the sublime instrumentalist and composer Médéric Collignon, as well as another dear friend, Nguyen Lê. Among others, he has worked with Rita Marcotulli, Teresa De Sio, Metissage, Ambrogio Sparagna, Paolo Damiani, Stefano Benni, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, Carlo Lucarelli, Stefano Bollani, Paolo Fresu, Danilo Rea, Furio Di Castri, Roberto Gatto, Franco Battiato, Carmen Consoli, Ivano Fossati, Antonello Salis, Alter Ego, Louis Andriessen, Gianluca Petrella, Gianluigi Trovesi, Alessandro Bergonzoni, Maurizio Gianmarco, Fabrizio Bosso, Trilok Gurtu, Stewart Copeland, Uri Caine, Hamid Drake, Caparezza, Adrian Mears, and Peppe Barra. A co-founder of the group Quintorigo, he was part of it from 1992 to 2004.

This album features:

  • John De Leo: vocals, backing vocals, live looping sampler, toy karaoke, copperphone mic, cacao box mic, telephone mic
  • Enrico Terragnoli: electric guitar, live looping sampler, effects, keyboards
  • Stefano Senni: double bass
  • Fabio Nobile: drums, percussion, backing vocals
  • Franco Naddei: sound design, live looping sampler, live electronics

And two prestigious guest artists:

  • Paolo Fresu: trumpet, flugelhorn, effects (track #3)
  • Rita Marcotulli: piano, prepared piano, keyboards (track #9)

The album unveils a universe reminiscent of David Lynch—a sonic vision of American music, straddling rock and jazz, utterly indescribable. Above all, it is the inner world of John De Leo that prevails throughout this record, defying boundaries. At times, one even senses echoes of folk music. Listening to the album in its entirety, it becomes evident why so many artists have collaborated with him. This kind of art is certainly not for everyone, as the atmospheres created are akin to aural sculptures. One rarely knows where the journey is headed, yet the result is truly captivating.

As always, an artist’s ability to embrace multiple cultures infuses artistic creation with boundless energy. In this regard, John De Leo is an exceptional artist in every sense of the word. I would even venture to say that in our era, his approach to creating and perceiving the world is one of the finest examples to follow. This album will invigorate you, filling your mind with vivid imagery. And perhaps the best way to thank this artist for stirring our souls is to elevate this album into our “Essentials” category.

Thierry De Clemensat
USA correspondent – Paris-Move and ABS magazine
Editor in chief Bayou Blue Radio, Bayou Blue News

PARIS-MOVE, January 24th 2025

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