Dayna Stephens – Hopium

Contagious Music – Street date February 7, 2025
Dayna Stephens – Hopium

Yes, I let myself be captivated by this “Hopium” of life—a true gem of musical and intellectual brilliance offered by this extraordinary composer and saxophonist. At the heart of his works lies this fundamental truth: the human condition is a state rich in dualities. An individual’s desires can align with their drive to succeed, while doubts often precede those desires, sabotaging the path to success at every turn. The renowned saxophonist Dayna Stephens has witnessed this paradoxical duality repeatedly, both on a personal and societal level.

These reflections inspired him to create Hopium, a musical opus that delves into the intertwined threads of hope for a better future and cynicism about the realistic possibility of achieving it. Joined by the musicians from his acclaimed 2021 album Right Now!, Stephens and his ensemble offer a musical exploration of the internal struggle between optimism and disillusionment—both within himself and in the world around him. Over the course of seven tracks, Stephens invites listeners to join him in contemplating the moments of confusion and clarity that shape daily life, as well as the transformative power of truth that underlies it all.

In these compositions, one also finds a journey—a series of comings and goings akin to the meanderings of thought. It is often these wanderings that give rise to creations of this kind, elevated by Stephens’ sublime interpretation. Listen for a moment to the way he delivers his notes, with a power and delicacy intricately interwoven. Aaron Parks on piano is simply astounding, offering a performance of extraordinary quality. Bassist Ben Street rounds out the notes with remarkable subtlety, blending seamlessly with the saxophone. Greg Hutchinson on drums is more inventive than ever, presenting rhythmically dazzling ideas, while guitarist Charles Altura reaches the pinnacle of his artistry.

This album is as impressive for its compositions as for the quintet’s musicianship. At just seven tracks, it feels far too brief—each piece more inventive and complex than the last. It’s the kind of album I savor at any time of day. In my view, with this album, Dayna Stephens has struck upon the perfect formula, cementing his place as an essential artist on the jazz scene. Creations of this caliber can only emerge from years of intensive labor, and the result is nothing short of breathtaking. The seven tracks are all original compositions by Stephens, with the exception of the sixth, penned by Parks.

The album opens with Drive North to Find the Oranges Out West, a piece laden with metaphorical significance. This track captures the nonlinear journey of life, with the oranges symbolizing fulfillment and the road representing freedom and uncertainty. “Road trips are my way of escaping and discovering unknown landscapes,” Stephens shares.

Jump Start, the second track, pays homage to Herbie Hancock’s A Jump Ahead. This captivating piece follows bassist Ben Street’s real-time decisions, illustrating risk-taking and the momentum toward the future.

Undoubtedly, a bright future lies ahead for this quintet, whom we hope to see gracing the best festivals this year. This album, proudly joining our collection of “Indispensable” records, is a masterwork.

Thierry De Clemensat
USA correspondent – Paris-Move and ABS magazine
Editor in chief Bayou Blue Radio, Bayou Blue News

PARIS-MOVE, January 17th 2025

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